Text Box: Starting in January your AORO began to watch for notices of the upcoming Coalport Borough Organization Meeting that by statue was January 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.  When no RTKL compliance by the Secretary, your AORO filed a lawful complaint for denial of a notice in the newspaper of local circulation. 
The notice requires publishing in the newspaper of the Organization meeting, the date, time and location. Further the newspaper notice is to give the monthly dates, time and location for each month for the entire year.  The January 6th meeting was not held and the agency never posted a notice on the building from January 1 through January 20, 2020 and continues to not be posted for the entire year Text Box: date, time, and location for each month’s Coalport Borough Council Meetings.
A newspaper notice for the January 10th 2020 meeting was  submitted two days before the meeting and no notice was placed on the building of the Agency prescribed by the law.
Requirements of law is the Secretary is compelled to give notice to the Council and the Public of all meetings and special meetings as the Secretary’s lawful duty.
During 2019 upon request of the Office of Coalport Borough, several requests were denied.  The AORO is required to provide documents of the Borough.  The problem is the documents of the Text Box: borough are under the control of the secretary.  Gaining access to document is limited to the control of the Office of Secretary.  
A secure room for retention documents should be established so that the AORO could work on proper filing and sorting of retention restraint documents.  The AORO is responsible to ensure the correctness of documents pursuant to Title 8 and the Retention Statute and to know where each document is located.
Access to documents is limited and Council in January 10, 2020 appeared to be wanting to restrain the AORO and limit his activities.  AORO reminded the Council of Lawful Time Restraint by the RTKL.

Text Box: Commission to political subdivisions."
(b)  Requirements.--If recording or transcribing in a specified book of record is required, including minutes of the proceedings of the council, the records shall be recorded or transcribed as follows:
(1)  in a mechanical post binder book capable of being permanently sealed with consecutively numbered pages with a security code printed on it and a permanent locking device with the borough seal being impressed upon each page; or
(2)  in a bound book with pages being consecutively numbered by transcribing directly upon the pages of the book of record or by permanently attaching the records or copies to the book of record with the borough seal being impressed upon each page to which the record is attached, with each impression covering both a portion of the attached record and a portion of the page of the book of record to which the record is attached.
(c)  Previously recorded documents.--All records previously recorded or transcribed in any manner authorized by this part at the time the records were recorded or transcribed are validated.
Text Box: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Borough Code, Title 8 gives detailed instructions for retention of documents:
§ 1009.  Typewritten, printed, photocopied, microfilmed and electronically or digitally stored records valid and recording or transcribing records.
(a)  Validity.--All borough records required to be recorded or transcribed shall be deemed valid if typewritten, printed, photocopied, microfilmed or electronically or digitally stored or retained by any other process that accurately reproduces the original and forms a durable medium for recording, storing and reproducing in accordance with the act of May 9, 1949 (P.L.908, No.250), entitled "An act relating to public records of political subdivisions other than cities and counties of the first class; authorizing the recording and copying of documents, plats, papers and instruments of writing by digital, photostatic, photographic, microfilm or other process, and the admissibility and enlargements in evidence; providing for the storage of duplicates and sale of microfilm and digital copies of official records and for the destruction of other records deemed valueless; and providing for the services of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Text Box:  Cross References. Section 1009 is referred to in section 1111 of this title.
Your AORO, after reviewing the Minute, Resolution Books found; the common issue is the pages are not consecutively pre-numbered.  The AORO highly suggests the Office of Secretary be granted a numbering hand stamper that the book pages may be numbered with a mechanical device.  Upon looking at the minutes, the book appeared to have two page “9.”  After looking through a magnify hand device the one nine was actually an “8.”  A printing hand numbering machine would give clear numbering for each page.  After which, the book could be permanently locked according to the Borough Code.
A room for retention documents is highly suggested to secure all documents in an organized fire security location.  The secure room for access to documents would grant the AORO proper attention to vital important documents.

“Documents of an agency are the Public’s Right to see.”

Text Box: Page #

Coalport Borough Agency Posting

Media for Notices

RTKL AORO NOTICE on the Agency Building