February 2025
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and
glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
I’ve been alive through some ten presidencies but until now had never heard
one acknowledge Jesus. Maybe they did at one time or another but the
terminology, I’ve heard, is always ‘God’.Jesus himself said, “I am the Way,
the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.”(John
14:6) Who is the God being referred to, and do they even have access to Him
if it is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Jesus has the ONLY entrance.
I have heard President Trump and Vice-president Vance both acknowledge
Jesus. Trump even stated that he was not the answer to America’s problems,
but Jesus was. Whether or not he understands, he has accepted the cup
offered him by the Lord. Some will say he was just after the votes, but his
actions, according to the Word of God, will bear out the truth. Either way,
by his acknowledging Jesus, he has placed himself and his deeds before the
Throne Room. Our only duty is to pray for wisdom for he and his cabinet that
they will hear and respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Just yesterday I heard of a King James translation of the Bible that Mr.
Trump was endorsing. I understand that it has extra-Biblical inclusions such
as the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Some were saying that he was
merchandising the Word of God and condemning him. I looked on line and found
the Bible was being sold for $ 149.00. He was selling them for $ 60.00. He
had also stated that every household should have a Bible. (He sounds like a
Gideon.) I understand the title is, God Bless the USA. There is also another
Bible which I like. It is the “American Patriots Bible” in New King James.
When we lose our identity, as a nation, given to us by God we are
sacrificing our birthright much as Esau did. He sold his for a bowl of stew.
(Genesis 25:29-34) When we sell our birthright to be kings and priests to
our God it can only follow that our kingdom too is lost.
There are some signs of what could be a spiritual awakening across America.
Last year in California some three hundred churches has baptismal services
for Pentecost giving opportunity for people to rededicate their lives to
Christ, or accept His gift of salvation and declaring it openly by baptism.
Obviously, not all the assemblies gathered together. Some were on beaches
(for which permits were required) others at their respective places of
worship. The Pastor I heard talking about this said they had, I think,
thirty-two new conversions at their home church. When was the last time
someone made a commitment to Jesus at your place of worship? Or when was the
last time you shared your faith in Jesus to someone? These questions are not
meant to be judgmental. If we’re having issues fulfilling our part in
extending God’s Kingdom now is the time to address the problem. Some plow,
some sow, some water and some harvest. Where do you normally flow?
Also, there is an increasing emphasis on Prayer Meetings, which is meeting
with much resistance, especially in churches that no longer have a true
prayer meeting but are substituting with social gatherings or nothing at
all. Even Bible studies cannot replace prayer. Most of us are already over
educated in sharing the simplicity of a relationship with Christ. Jesus
said, “My house is a house of prayer.” (Luke 20:45) We need to get back to
the basics. Few are the ones who have any burden to pray for needs outside
of friends and family.
We were discussing recently part of a prayer in which was asked, “Lord, what
do you have for us tonight?” The conclusion was what should be, “Lord, what
do we have for You tonight?” I just found this old hymn:
Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord to Thee;
Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee;
Take my voice and let me sing, always, only, for my King.
Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee;
Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold.
This answers our question. As He gave all for each of us individually,
individually we are asked to give all back to Him.
From all appearances an extension of God’s Grace and Mercy have yet again
been extended to our nation.
I don’t believe The Golden Age of America will be one of wealth and
prosperity in the natural sense, but it could be in a spiritual one if those
called by the true God will humble themselves, pray, and turn from their
wicked (carnal) ways.
The terrible times, the warfare in our streets, the rise of an ungodly
people such as we’ve never seen walking in unimaginable wickedness is still
in our future. It is up to us to let that hymn be our battle cry.
Stand strong for the Gospel and the absolute truth of God’s Word. If you do,
you will not be ashamed when you stand before the One who will judge all
mankind. Kenneth H. Fleming 502 Market Street
(814) 687-3707 Fallentimber, Pa. 16639t