January 2025
Let your light so shine before men that they
may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
For this month’s Prodigal it is necessary to step back just over thirty-two
years to a prophetic word which went as follows;
This evening as I turned on the television at eight o’clock for an update on
the elections I was shocked almost to the point of sickness when the
apparent ignorance of we American people was made manifest. Clinton was
literally running over Bush in the election. Twice in the past couple of
days I’ve been impressed to share with others that this election would be an
indication of how quickly God would be bringing judgment against America,
and how severe it would be. An order of Bush, Perot, and Clinton was given
with Bush being the least offensive. I broke down seeing how this country
chose it’s king, choosing one who approves of, and intends to legalize
murder and sexual perversion. We chose the mammon of this world, at least
the promise of it, over what should have been a moral issue. We chose the
promises of man for a better pocketbook over the promises of God for doing
as His Word sets forth. We chose cursing over blessing. Our pocketbooks are
worthless now, and will only get leaner. Our country will soon see God’s
last call by judgment for us to turn to Him. Our country will fall, our
economy will collapse. Only those that walk with Him will stand in this
travail. The so called Christians, the believers, the born again will soon
fall. Only the followers of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the mighty
Son of the living God will be found upright after the winds have blown. ( I
questioned if this last part could really have been from the Lord. Looking
now, over thirty years later, and the falling away of so many ‘professing’
Christians, with their organizations, the accuracy of that word seems almost
an understatement.) It is interesting that John 6:66 reads, “From that time
many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.”
God loved us so much He sent His Son to die for every one of us, but He is a
just God. We have rejected His way, His Word, and His intended walk for us
with His Son. As Israel found out so many times, loss of everything followed
continued disobedience and rebellion against His Word.
Welcome America to your new kingdom. Drink, eat, and be merry. Celebrate as
your sun sets, enjoy the coolness of your twilight. Kill your unborn
children, forsake your elderly, lie, cheat, steal, despoil your daughters
and sons you perverts, ridicule your pastors, keep your tithes, defraud your
government, defraud your neighbors, forget the poor, the homeless, and
persecute the righteous. Hide in the darkness, do every evil you can
Every act you commit is seen by God, and will be seen in His Light. You will
be exposed as the harlot you are and will be paid your worth.
But, don’t be concerned, you still have your darkness……...for now.
A few weeks later I found myself at a meeting called a Holy Convocation in
Philadelphia. The purpose was to intercede for this country before Clinton
was inaugurated, and to ask God to renew the covenant He had made with our
founding fathers.
A man from Indiana shared a vision God had given him of what was to come in
America. What he was shown caused him to cry out to God, “God, I’m not
ready, we’re not ready! Please give us a little more time.”
God’s answer to him was found in the last sentence of the above word which I
had typed days before we went to Philadelphia, or I had met him. Once again
God’s mercy triumphs over judgment, but only for a season.
Last month’s Prodigal was about King Josiah who was Judah’s last righteous
king before it’s fall. I believe a parallel for America can be found in the
Josiah saga. Throughout all recorded history God has looked for one who
would follow Him, then used them to fulfill His plans. The redemption of man
is always His ultimate goal; judgment and destruction come when mankind
crosses the final burning bridge and is given over by God to a reprobate
A person in such such a state is devoid of any sense of right and wrong,
giving themselves over to fleshly, then demonic demands. True righteousness
is an abhorrence to them.
It is possible, even probable(?), should he be inaugurated, that Donald
Trump is America’s Josiah, her last call to start turning away from the
wicked paths we’ve followed for so many years; a path that has deceived
millions of individuals into lifestyles devoid of any responsibility to
Godly direction thus heaping up for themselves eternal condemnation. God
specializes in using the most unlikely people, transforming them into
workers of righteousness. Josiah had to walk alongside much of the
perversion, as we do today, for a number of years before he actively
destroyed the temples and perverted persons. The One who will come and
destroy our true enemy, Satan, can only be Jesus, but it is the Church’s
duty to repent, setting a righteous example by turning from all wickedness,
and spreading the Gospel of Jesus. Pray that our new president makes a
covenant with God as Josiah did. (2Kings 23:3)
It is our responsibility to pray for our leaders whether we like them or
not. We don’t even have to agree with their policies. Just pray that their
decisions align with God’s purposes. We have committed enough atrocities
against the Indians of America and Canada to warrant total destruction, much
less the murder of some 62 million of our own children.
We know that the spiritual reforms of Josiah were temporary, lasting only
until his death and the hearts of the people were turned back to their
idols. It’s much the same as we do when our pursuit of a relationship with
our heavenly Father through Jesus grows lukewarm, even disappearing
entirely, or until catastrophe strikes. In the end Josiah failed to
recognize a prophetic word from King Necho and it cost him his life.
2Chronicles 35:20-23
God gave Judah another twenty-three years after Josiah before His national
sentence for the sins of Manasseh took place. America has been given
thirty-two years after we elected one of our Manassehs-Clinton. I don’t
believe America will be given another leader who will stand for Godly
values, but who will you be following when the promised judgment is enacted
in it’s fullness?